viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

We would like to share these words with all of you!!!!

Be Thankful
By Unknown

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011


1st YEAR:


Rojas Ponce
Di Tullio




De Cunha


Nieto Arcuri

 2nd YEAR:

Tuesday 13th:

Suarez Lezerovich

Wednesday 14th:

Frenkel Ariel
Pena Blair

Thursday 15th:

Frenkel Hernán
Martinez Tomás
Rodríguez Groves

 3 rd YEAR:

Wednesday 14th:

Gris Pajón

Thursday 15th:

De Jesús

Monday 19th:


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

DATES TO REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!



CLASES DE ORIENTACIÓN: lunes 5 y martes 6 de diciembre.

EXAMEN  FINAL ESCRITO:   7 de diciembre.

ENTREGA DE RESULTADOS A ALUMNOS: lunes 12 de diciembre a las 13:30 hs.

EXAMENES ORALES: entre el 13 y 20 de diciembre.

ENTREGA DE BOLETINES : miércoles 21 de diciembre.

ATENCIÓN A PADRES: jueves 22 de diciembre.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011


Students will take their examinations at Champagnat School ( Montevideo 1050)
The Reading and Writing Paper starts at 09.00 am, so students must arrive at 8:45.
The Listening starts at 11 am. and finishes at 11 35 am.
11:40 Lunch break until 15 minutes before the speaking test.
The speaking exam starts at 2.00 pm or 3:15 pm depending on the candidate number.
Remember to take your Identity card , your confirmation of entry and the necessary school objects.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

2 nd Year!!! Homework!!!!

Children do from the Grammar and Vocabulary Book;  pages 40 and 41 , activities 1 to 6 for Tuesday!!!!

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

3rd Year Remember!!!!!!!
You are having your FCE Mock Exams on November 3rd, 7th, 9th, 10th.
Do not be absent!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Year, remember!!!!!!
October 26th: Test on Unit 7!!!! ( Past Perfect simple and continuous, Modal verbs and vocabulary related to history)

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

NEWS TO SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Queremos contarles que ya se realizó el sorteo de cupones recibidos durante las compras de inicio de temporada escolar en librerías KEL.
Los ganadores recibirán cinco BOOK TOKENS, que suman un valor de $500 cada uno y que podrán canjear para la compra de cualquier material, la buena noticia es que una de las ganadoras es nuestra alumna Macarena Sosa de 3er año “A”. Felicitaciones Macarena!!!!!!!!


En materia de examenes internacionales, nuestra escuela realiza la presentación anual de los alumnos del nivel primario al examen “ FLYERS” en 7mo grado , PET en 2do año y FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH en 4to año. Todos estos examenes dependen de la Universidad de Cambridge, que cuenta con un departamento especial llamado Cambridge University ESOL Examinations. Dicho departamento  tiene como propósito la examinación de más de 2 millones de alumnos que se presentan a rendir las diferentes acreditaciones en más de 140 países en el mundo anualmente.
El examen PET (Preliminary English Test) ha sido lanzado en la década del 70  y ha tenido como objetivo testear las competencias de lectura, comprensión auditiva, escritura y expresión oral para llevar adelante la comunicación con otros hablantes nativos o no nativos del idioma. Este examen  corresponde al nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER) del consejo de Europa y cuenta con un amplio reconocimiento internacional.
En Argentina como en algunos otros países, la Universidad de Cambridge ha detectado que muchos de los candidatos a estas instancias de examen eran alumnos del nivel secundario quienes, si bien contaban con un manejo adecuado del idioma, poco conocían del mundo de los adultos. Por este motivo, el entrenamiento de examen cubría el contenido esperado para el nivel así como adaptaciones a situaciones que les eran absolutamente ajenas a estos alumnos adolescentes. En consecuencia, a partir del 2010 los alumnos pueden rendir el examen PET con la modalidad correspondiente a instituciones educativas – PET for Schools. De este modo, los tópicos a desarrollar y el tratamiento de los temas está enfocado específicamente a los intereses y experiencias de los alumnos cursando el nivel escolar, cubriendo los mismos contenidos lingüísticos y conservando el mismo formato.
En consecuencia, este año los alumnos que por los logros alcanzados deseen rendir este examen, podrán hacerlo en el mes de Noviembre. Oportunamente, les haremos llegar la circular con toda la información al respecto.

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Dates to remember!!!!!

1st Year

Wednesday 13th: Written Test on Vocabulary

Thursday 14th: Written test on Grammar

jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Dates to remember!!

1st Year:

July 6th: Test on Unit 4 .
July 11th :  Mid-year examination.Test on Units 1 to 4.

2nd Year.

June 29th and June 30th : Pet examination.

July 13th: Mid- year examination (Reading and writing)

July 14th: Mid- year examination ( Use of English)

On July 7th, 1st and 2nd Year are going to the theatre to see  the play in English "Gimme a break".

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

3rd Year

Remember to read the first story of our new reader " Taste and other tales" for tomorrow!!!!!

2nd Year

Remember to prepare your retelling for tomorrow!!! Do not be absent, please!!
1º Year 

Sres Padres,
                   El próximo miércoles 8 de Junio, los alumnos de 1º año tendrán Evaluación del Módulo 3. Además del libro de texto y sus libros complementarios, pueden practicar con el material del CD rom del libro. Study children!! You've got plenty of time!!!

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


 Monday 16 th :Written Test on Unit 2

Monday 16 th: Written Test on Unit 2

Don´t forget to read the new chapters for Literature every Thrusday!!!!!!!!

Please, remember to read the new chapters for Literature every Thrusday!

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Third Year:

April 25th : Written Test on Use of English and Reading Comprehension.
April 20th:  Retelling of Chapters 7 and 8 of " Wuthering Heights"

Dates to remember!!!!!!

First Year:

April 18th : Written Test on Tenses

April 28th:  Written test on Unit 1  

Third Year:

Remember to complete your Word Formation chart with the help of a Dictionary!!!! It will be very helpful!!

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Welcome to the English Department Blog



We would like to share these thoughts with you!!!

by: Charles Swindoll

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.


Cuanto más vivo, más me doy cuenta de la importancia de la actitud ante la vida.

La actitud, para mí, es más importante que los hechos. Es más importante que el pasado, que la educación, que el dinero, que las circunstancias, que los fracasos, que los éxitos, que lo que otras personas piensan o dicen o hacen. Es más importante que las apariencias, los dones o habilidades. Hará o destruirá una compañía ... una iglesia ... una casa.

Lo notable es que tenemos una opción para todos los días respecto a la actitud que asumiremos ese día. No podemos cambiar nuestro pasado ... no podemos cambiar el hecho de que la gente actúe de una manera determinada. No podemos cambiar lo inevitable. Lo único que podemos hacer es jugar en la cuerda que tenemos, y esa es nuestra actitud.  Estoy convencido de que la vida es un 10% lo que me pasa y el 90% cómo debo reaccionar ante ella.

How we work!!!

  In our Secondary school our main goal is that our students sit for Cambridge Exams:
They sit for PET in second Year and  and for FCE in fourth Year. This is why we have decided to start with a new series of books called Activate! This is an exam course in three levels that has been especially designed to engage and motivate teenage students with its lively, modern design and teenage-appropriate content. Not only does Activate! have a wide range of interesting topics to keep teenagers focused on learning, it also has a fun DVD for students which offers skills –based development and practice for intermediate level students through engaging topics from contemporary teen culture. These topics are similar to the topics seen in teenage magazines, on TV programmes, in films and websites and heard in the music they listen to. These familiar topics will encourage students to discuss their own views on these issues and be actively involved in using English.

  Each unit of this series contains skills development in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as topic vocabulary and grammar appropriate at this level. In addition, exam skills are practised in every unit with particular focus in the Use of English section.

  Each students´s book is complemented by:  
   A Workbook with self-study CD-ROM that provides:

      *Skills development
      *Grammar and vocabulary practice

       A  Use of English and a Grammar and Vocabulary books that provide: 

  • Grammarzones with clear grammar rules
  • Intensive exam practice sections
  • Grammar and vocabulary based exercises.



  List of textbooks for each couse:

1st Year  :   ACTIVATE! B1. Editorial Pearson
-         Students´s book
-         Workbook without key
-         Activate Grammar and vocabulary
               - Readers:

                -The ring . Editorial Penguin level 3
                -The faithful ghost and other Tall Tales . Oxford  Dominoes 3

2nd Year  :   ACTIVATE! B1+. Editorial Pearson
                _  Students´s book
                _ Workbook without key
                _  Activate Grammar and vocabulary book.

                - The pearl.  Penguin Active Readers. Level. 3
                - Tales of mystery and imagination. Oxford bookworms readers. Level 3

3nd Year :  ACTIVATE! B2. Editorial Pearson (Unit 1 to 6)
              _  Students´s book
              _  Workbook without key
              _  Use of English book.

               - Readers:

-         Wuthering Heights Oxford. Level 5
-         Taste and other tales. By Roald Dahl. Pearson.
-         The Pelican Brief. By John Grisham. Penguin Active Readers. Level 5

4th Year :  ACTIVATE ! B2 . Editorial Pearson  (Unit 7 to 12)
               _Students´s book
               _ Workbook without key
               _ Use of English book
5th  Year : Students who did not sit for FCE in 4TH  Year, have the chance to sit for it during 5th Year.


1st  Year: Alicia Estévez
              Graciela de Ibarra

2nd  Year: Elsa Trolli
              Claudia Mambretti

3rd Year: Sonia Kevorkyan

4th  Year: Gabriela González

5th  Year: Gabriela Boschini

English Coordinator: Alejandra De Bello

Dates to remember!!!!!!

First Year:

April 18th : Written Test on Tenses

April 28th:  Written test on Unit 1  




We would like to share these thoughts with you!!!

by: Charles Swindoll

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.


Cuanto más vivo, más me doy cuenta de la importancia de la actitud ante la vida.

La actitud, para mí, es más importante que los hechos. Es más importante que el pasado, que la educación, que el dinero, que las circunstancias, que los fracasos, que los éxitos, que lo que otras personas piensan o dicen o hacen. Es más importante que las apariencias, los dones o habilidades. Hará o destruirá una compañía ... una iglesia ... una casa.

Lo notable es que tenemos una opción para todos los días respecto a la actitud que asumiremos ese día. No podemos cambiar nuestro pasado ... no podemos cambiar el hecho de que la gente actúe de una manera determinada. No podemos cambiar lo inevitable. Lo único que podemos hacer es jugar en la cuerda que tenemos, y esa es nuestra actitud.  Estoy convencido de que la vida es un 10% lo que me pasa y el 90% cómo debo reaccionar ante ella.

How we work!!

  In our secondary school our main goal is that our students sit for Cambridge Exams:
PET in second year and FCE in fourth year. This is why we have decided to start with a new series of books called Activate! This is an exam course in three levels that has been especially designed to engage and motivate teenage students with its lively, modern design and teenage-appropriate content. Not only does Activate! have a wide range of interesting topics to keep teenagers focused on learning, it also has a fun DVD for students which offers skills –based development and practice for intermediate level students through engaging topics from contemporary teen culture. These topics are similar to the topics seen in teenage magazines, on TV programmes, in films and websites and heard in the music they listen to. These familiar topics will encourage students to discuss their own views on these issues and be actively involved in using English.

First, Second, Third and Fourth Year work with Activate! , students´s book
Each unit contains skills development in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as topic vocabulary and grammar appropriate at this level. In addition, exam skills are practised in every unit with particular focus in the Use of English section.

  Each students´s book is complemented by:  
   A Workbook with self-study CD-ROM that provides:

      *Skills development
      *Grammar and vocabulary practice

  Activate! Use of English that provides:

  • Grammarzones with clear grammar rules
  • Intensive exam practice sections
  • Grammar and vocabulary based exercises.

  Activate! Grammar and Vocabulary that provides:

Material used by our students:

1st Year :   ACTIVATE! B1. Editorial Pearson
-         Students´s book
-         Workbook without key
-         Activate Grammar and vocabulary
               -     Readers:

                -The Ring . Editorial Penguin level 3
                -The faithful ghost and other Tall Tales . Oxford  Dominoes 3

2nd Year :   ACTIVATE! B1 +. Editorial Pearson
              _  Students´s book
              _ Workbook without key
              _  Activate Grammar and vocabulary book.


                - The Pearl.  Penguin Active Readers. Level. 3
                - Tales of mystery and imagination. Oxford bookworms readers. Level 3

3rd Year :   ACTIVATE! B2. Editorial Pearson . Units 1 to 6.
              _  Students´s book
              _  Workbook without key
              _  Use of English book.

               - Readers:

-         Wuthering Heights Oxford. Level 5
-         Taste and other tales. By Roald Dahl. Pearson.
-         The Pelican Brief. By John Grisham. Penguin Active Readers. Level 5

4th Year : ACTIVATE !B2  Units 7 to 12.

5th  Year : Students who did not sit for FCE in 4TH  Year, have the chance to sit for it during 5th Year.


1st  Year: Alicia Estévez
              Graciela de Ibarra

2nd  Year: Elsa Trolli
              Claudia Mambretti

3rd Year: Sonia Kevorkyan

4th  Year: Gabriela González

5th  Year: Gabriela Boschini

English Coordinator: Alejandra De Bello

Dates to remember!!!!!!

First Year.

April 18th : Written Test on Tenses

April 28th:  Written Test on Unit 1 Activate! B1