martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


P.E.T (Preliminary English Test)
Sede Asignada: Colegio Esquiú- 11 de Septiembre 1240
Día: 23 de noviembre, 8 hs.
Importante: Los alumnos deberán presentarse 15 minutos antes de cada horario en la dirección indicada con su DNI y el uniforme en perfecto estado.

FEC (First Certificate in English)
Sede Asignada: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires- Av. Cabildo 1008
Día: 2 y 3  de diciembre, 8 hs
Importante: Los alumnos deberán presentarse 15 minutos antes de cada horario en la dirección indicada con su  DNI y el uniforme en perfecto estado.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013


 IX  Literature Contest  “Short Story and Poetry”

Congratulations to all our students who took part in the literature contest held by Del Arce school, and specially to those who became winners. 
They are:

Candela Sznajderman: 2nd prize in poetry

Carolina Thompson: 2nd mention in short story

Donna Roca: 1st prize in poetry

Well done! Good job!!!!

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


To understand our complex present, it is sometimes necessary to have a look at the past. Hence, bearing this moto in mind, we had the pleasure of leading our 3rd year students to a wonderfully guided visit of our Recoleta Cemetery on October 3rd. Indeed, Mrs Victoria, our guide...led the way through one of the sites which best summerize both tradition and culture, alliances and antagonisms, present and past. Thus, our students had the opportunity to appreciate in the mausoleums and monuments not only part of our rich history as a country but also its architectural treasures.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


Some weeks ago, 1st and 2nd year visited Bellas Artes. The students saw the impressionist and baroque galleries and learnt a lot of details about some famous paintings and their authors. They did some research work on the topics before and after their visit to the museum.
 They really enjoyed the experience and had a good time!!

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013


Los exámenes Cambridge ESOL son  conocidos en todo el mundo, y cuentan con el reconocimiento de universidades, empresas y autoridades educativas en muchos países. Están organizados por el University of Cambridge Local Esaminations Syndicate (UCLES), el departamento de exámenes de la Universidad de Cambridge.

En nuestra escuela ofrecemos a aquellos alumnos que han logrado a través del tiempo el nivel adecuado, la posibilidad de rendir los siguientes exámenes :

YLE- Young Learners English Tests: FLYERS para los alumnos de 7mo grado.

PET: Preliminary English Test para los alumnos de 2do año A

FCE: First Certificate in English para los alumnos de 4to año A

Les recordamos que la semana próxima se realizará la inscripción en el Buenos Aires Open Centre para aquellos alumnos que deseen rendir el examen correspondiente; FLYERS Y PET en el mes de Noviembre y FCE en el mes de Diciembre. Recuerden entonces traer el importe informado oportunamente para abonar el derecho de examen hasta el martes 28 de Agosto.

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

HAPPY CHILDREN´S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                WE ARE ALL CHILDREN... WHATEVER OUR AGE!!!!!!!

                                HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                YOUR TEACHERS!!


On August 27th , 2nd year is visiting Bellas Artes Museum!!!!
We are sure students will have a very interesting experience!!!!!

martes, 2 de julio de 2013


On August 13th, Second year is going to Bellas Artes Museum. This time we are visiting the Baroque Gallery.
We are going to do pre and post visit activities.

Baroque is an artistic and architectural style of the 17th century, tnat often will display many of the following elements:

Movement and tension
Curved lines
Complex forms
Bold ornamentation
Contrasting elements
Juxtaposition of light and shadow

We hope students enjoy the experience and learn a lot about Baroque paintings!!!!!

Author:Peter Paul Rubens


First Year: July 3rd.

Second Year: July 8th.

We have been practising a lot in class!!! Good luck !!!

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


ACTIVATE! is an exam course in three levels, i.e. B1,B1plus and B2 that has been especially designed to engage and motivate teenage students with its lively, modern design and teenage-appropriate content. Not only does ACTIVATE! have a wide range of interesting topics to keep teenagers focused on learning, it also has a fun dvd for students use with video clips that link the couse topics and themes to contemporary TVprogrammes. In addition, ACTIVATE! provides comprehensive language development as well as thorough preparation for exam success in a range of different exams.
Students, work hard!!!!! We are sure you will enjoy working on this series!!!!!!!!!!!!

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

WELCOME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                LIST OF ENGLISH BOOKS - 2013

1º Año :   ACTIVATE! B1. Editorial Pearson

-Student´s book

- Activate Grammar and vocabulary book


                -The ring . Editorial Penguin level 3

                  A definer el resto de los readers durante el año.

2º Año:   ACTIVATE! B1 plus. Editorial Pearson

              _  Student´s book

              _ Workbook without key

              _  Activate Grammar and vocabulary book.


-         The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie.  Level 4. Penguin Active Reading.

-         The Dream and other stories by Daphne du Maurier and others. Level 4.
      Penguin Active Reading

3º Año:   ACTIVATE! B2. Editorial Pearson

              _  Student’s book

              _  Workbook without key

              _  Use of English book.


-Wuthering Heights Oxford. Level 5

 A definir el resto de los readers durante el año.